iPhone with a 4.5-inch screen TOUCH TABLET and CELL PHONE: iPhone with a 4.5-inch screen


iPhone with a 4.5-inch screen

Polycarbonate iPhone 5 with a price tag of $330 in works?

We have two juice iRumors to share with you, one involving an iPhone with a bigger, 4.5-inch screen that could hit the daylight at some point next year. Of course, nothing is confirmed at this stage and since this is Apple we’re talking about, many things could change in the meantime. Just remember how they were intentionally leaking fake prototype before the original iPhone was launched to get some idea.
The second rumor says that the Cupertino folks are working on a cheaper version of the iPhone 5, one that would use polycarbonate instead of aluminum. This rumor goes on suggesting that such a device would be a bit thicker than the iPhone 5, available in more color options, while costing as little as $330. Now, we have hard time imagining Apple slashing prices that much (since the unlocked iPhone 5 costs more than $600), but then again – if this phone is released at the same with the first rumored device, it will make perfect sense to offer it at a substantial discount. In some way, it would be a sort of iPhone mini compared to the 4.5-inch iPhone.
As always, we can’t really tell what’s Apple up to and we’ll rather have to wait for few more months to get some new information. Whether that will be the iPhone 6 or, more likely, iPhone 5S. Staying tuned to IntoMobile can’t hurt

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